KAAAV members meet during the second week of each month from September through June, alternating between Wednesdays and Thursdays (except for the June AGM, which is held during the third week)
- meetings begin at 9 AM sharp*
- light refreshments provided
- agenda and minutes pre-circulated via email
- meeting locations change each month as different KAAAV members take a turn hosting the meeting and providing refreshments
- venues are accessible
- members are welcome to bring a guest
- RSVP is required, in order to ensure sufficient seating and refreshments
*our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is often held in the afternoon and on a Friday (varies)
Meetings run from 9:00 until 11 AM and typically follow this format:
9:00 to 9:05 = Introductions
9:05 to 10:05 = Feature Presentation
10:05 to 10:30 = KAAAV Executive Business
10:30 to 11:00 = Networking & Information Sharing